
Showing posts from January, 2012

Why Adopt?

There are so many reasons, but I will only share a few. First, there are children in this country and all over the world that will go to sleep tonight without a true home. They don't know what it is like to have a Mom to cradle them in their arms as only a Mom can. They don't have a Dad to kiss them on the forehead and say "Everything will be okay." There are some who will have enough to eat and many many more who are hungry right now. I'm not talking about what we consider hungry. The "I think I need a snack hungry." I don't even know if I can describe it because I haven't ever felt it. They will cry, but many have given up the act of crying because it didn't do any good. It didn't change anything. No one came. No one came and patted their backs with reassurance that they were not alone. This is happening right now in every country. My heart aches for them. There are so many people who feel that tug at their heart to help these children ...


I have been thinking a lot lately about getting into shape, eating healthy, exercising, etc. etc. etc. You get my drift. Every year about this time I think okay I am going to start now, so I can look great by summer. I will then start a program, lose a few lbs. and slowly (or sometimes not so slowly) go right back to those same unhealthy habits. I want this year to be different. I choose to be different. I want to do right by my body. My Mom had diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis and died from kidney failure. She didn't die young. She was 82, but her quality of life could have been so much better if she would have taken better care of herself. Maybe she did the best she could. I don't know. My sister died of lung cancer. She was 46 years old. She had met and married the man of her dreams just a few years before the diagnosis and only lived 3 weeks after receiving the news. It was horrible. I cannot describe the fear that ripped through my body after he...


My hope for my children must be that they respond to the still, small voice of God in their own hearts. Andrew Young



Depraved Indifference
