While shopping at Target last night I saw several people huddled over the card isle and it took me a moment to realize they were buying Mother's Day cards. This is the 4th Mother's Day that I have not had the honor of searching for just the right card. My Mom always displayed her cards proudly. I often thought whoever bought the biggest, most ornate card must surely be the winner. I mean who wants to have purchased the tiny 3 by 5 card that the 9 by 12 card was casting a shadow upon. This makes me laugh a little which is good. My Mom was an amazing woman. She was always cooking and cleaning. It was obvious her family came first. She took me to church when I was young and then forced me to go when I was a teenager. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to tell her what a good Mom she was not long before she left this earth and I will always cherish what she said to me one day while she was in the hospital. She said "I am so glad you're here," and I asked "W...